materiale trattamento dei rifiuti RSA

Plants for the treatment of special waste assimilable to the municipal ones


Plants for the treatment of special waste assimilable to the municipal ones

ITR offers plants for the treatment of waste that can be assimilated to the municipal ones, result of commercial and industrial activities. When, a manual and/or automatic selection is possible, after a mechanical cleaning of the material, of recyclable products such as: paper, cardboard, wood, plastic materials coming from packaging, textiles, iron and metals.

The non-recyclable material is destined to a mechanical refining treatment, aimed to Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) production, in order to reduce to the minimum, the quantity of material to be carried to the dumps. Proper systems, suitable to extract all the dusts deriving from all the working stages, allow a change of air in the working rooms with workers (sorting cabins), to comply with the rules related to the working environments, as well as the filtration of dusts before conveying the airflow into the atmosphere. All ITR plants are provided with a modern software able to monitor and adjust the entire plant’s flow, even remotely.

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